Revision Reflection

Revision Reflection

During the revision process of my short story, there were many things that I wanted to get done. First of all, I decided to revise my second short story, titled Unfamiliar Endings. This was the story I was more passionate about and had a more enjoyable experience writing. The main thing that I changed in my revision was the point of view the story was told from. This is a major change to a story, but I felt it was necessary after hearing feedback from my peers in the workshop session. I agreed that the story would be more impactful and interesting if told from a first-person perspective rather than the third-person which it was originally written in. I had originally thought to write the first-person narrative from Boston’s perspective because he is essentially the main character of the story. But ultimately I decided to write the story from Summer’s point of view. I think that writing from her perspective gave the opportunity for a more interesting narrative and a look into the mind of one of the characters. We learn a lot about Boston through the narrative and dialogue of the story, so by making it Summer’s perspective we then naturally learn more about her as well. The process of changing perspectives was a lot of grammatical work. To change from an outside perspective to using more pronouns like ‘I’ and ‘me’. Besides the grammatical, some parts of the story had to be changed for logical purposes. For example, originally we follow Boston into the convenience store, but from Summer’s perspective, a lot of that didn’t happen, so we instead follow her from staying in the car listening to the radio until she rushes into the store to get Boston. 

Another major edit that I made during the revision process was the ending of the story. Where I ended the story originally is not what I had planned or wanted, but time allowed me to only get to that point of my writing. So, during my revision process, I was able to flesh out the ending to a point that I was happier with. In the new ending we see a longer conversation with Boston’s father. During this conversation, we learn more about his background and history with Boston. One important detail we learn is that Boston’s father is a retired police officer. Adding another element to the layers of their relationship. Ultimately, the story ends with Boston’s father’s house being surrounded by police cars. We know this because Summer describes the sounds of the sirens coming down the street. Then, it is revealed subtly in the last line that it was Boston’s father who reported the two being at his house. Revealing that even with their newfound understanding of each other, Boston’s father still cannot allow the two to escape. He knows it’s for the best if the two serve time for the crimes they have committed, and he can’t live with himself if he lets them go. 
