DS106 – Midpoint Story

DS106 – Midpoint Story

Daily Create’s

Looking back through my Daily Create’s, I can tell that the common theme among them is that I try to make them as funny and humorous as possible. I usually end up choosing the Daily Create that will allow me to be creative and think outside the box. It is fun for me to remix the prompts in a way that would be unexpected and make someone laugh. A good example of this would be my Daily Create 7 which I have linked here: Daily Create 7 – Personality Matching Furniture. It makes the experience of finding and making a Daily Create more enjoyable for me when I am creative with it and try to make it unique and funny.

DS106 Assignments

I am proud of the DS106 Assignments I have made thus far. I have completed each one in a way that is unique to myself and my style. I hope it is obvious that I care about this work and I think that shows in the quality of my memes, images, and gifs. For each assignment, I make sure to put my own spin on it and make it clear that it is my work, as well as making each one funny and engaging to any audience. It is also challenging for me sometimes to create something that is engaging to a wide array of audiences. There have been memes in the past that may be harder for certain audiences to understand and I would like to improve my ability to create content that is accessible to anyone. A certain assignment I am particularly proud of is my Gif 2 assignment that I collaborated on with Tyler and Sam: Gif 2- Gif Your Day.
